There’s hope in Christ if you are struggling with an addiction. I pray God uses my story to give others hope! “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom” 2 Corinthians 3:17 I was always looking for a place in life where I would fit in with others. I grew up going to church and was taught about God but never really understood i could have a personal relationship with him through our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ until later in life. After searching in my emptiness, I thought I had found a place I fit in and that was with people who drank & used drugs. One drunken night I was offered cocaine. I tried it and was instantly hooked. I believed the lie from Satan that it helped me to be the outgoing person I had always wanted to be (I’m very introverted & struggle with a lot of fears and anxiety) the cocaine helped me with all that..I felt accepted and It also numbed all this pain I had inside. I just continued to believe all these lies that Satan kept feeding me. This led to a life of misery & destruction that went on for so many years of my life. I witnessed several overdoses, had a gun pulled on me, had been abused sexually, mentally, & physically. I was about 80 lbs at this point and felt so alone and helpless. But God… so rich in his love, mercy & grace got my attention. He used a song by the Christian singer Plumb called “Lord I’m ready now” I instantly dropped to my knees in desperation crying out to him for help. I felt this huge burden just lift completely off of me and i knew it had to be God! He delivered me from the cocaine in that moment of surrender! He started changing me from that day on. I’m beyond grateful for his forgiveness, his great love, mercy & grace. If he can change me I know he can change anyone. He wants all to come to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ and wants none to perish. Don’t give up because there’s hope in Christ! Surrender your life to him & trust him as your Lord and Savior. It’s the best decision you will ever make!
Submitted by Julie
July 2024